Blast injury rodent model produces cognitive sequelae and distinct motor recovery trajectories

We have developed a rodent model of secondary blast-injury, in which we consistently target analogous brain structures to those injured in patients.  This model displays a variety of cognitive and motor disabilities comparable to humans exposed to blast injuries. We aim to understand the effects of rehabilitation and develop novel therapies to promote systemic restoration that can greatly increase the quality of life and health of those exposed to blast-induced injuries.




Secondary-blast injury in rodents produces cognitive sequelae and distinct motor recovery trajectories. Gamboa J, Horvath J, Simon A, Islam MS, Gao S, Perk D, Thoman A, Calderon DP. Brain Res. 2021 Mar 15;1755:147275. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2020.147275. Epub 2021 Jan 7.PMID: 33422537 No abstract available.

Weill Cornell Medicine Calderon Lab 1300 York Ave, A-1033 New York, NY 10065 Phone: (212) 746-4972